东南大学 浦正宁副教授:Yesterday Once More: An Evaluation for Embodied Carbon Issue in Recent Global Trade

([西财新闻] 发布于 :2017-12-27 )

光华讲坛——社会名流与企业家论坛第 4807 期


主题 Yesterday Once More: An Evaluation for Embodied Carbon Issue in Recent Global Trade

主讲人东南大学 浦正宁副教授

主持人365体育在线备用网址经济与管理研究院   傅佳莎副教授



主办单位:经济与管理研究院  科研处





In this study, we created a model based on input-output and carbon dioxide emissions data from WIOD to investigate the role of emerging economies and developed economies in global carbon emissions during 1995-2014. The results show that for emerging economies, the carbon emissions calculated based on the production side are higher than those estimated by the consumer side, indicating that the emerging economies shoulder more indirect carbon emissions responsibility than developed countries. Also, different from other studies, we found China is a net importer of carbon emissions through global trade. Subsequent analysis has found that China exports carbon to developed economies, while imports carbon from other emerging economies and the rest of world. Finally, the structural decomposition analysis (SDA) shows that the change of export carbon emissions of emerging markets during 1995-2014 is mainly affected by the high-carbon sectors and the export scale has the most significant impact on export carbon emissions.


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